Bible Black New Testament 6

Bible Black New Testament 6
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Several years after the harrowing events of Walpurgis Night, the metropolitan area is gripped by a new wave of terror as a series of bizarre and gruesome serial murders unfold. The victims are couples found dead during sexual intercourse, their deaths marked by a chilling pattern: the women show no external injuries, while the men are completely burned and carbonized—except for one grotesque exception, their genitals, which remain eerily intact. The shocking nature of the crimes prompts the formation of a special investigative unit known as "Tokken," tasked with unraveling the mystery behind these horrifying acts. Among the members of Tokken is Imari, a detective who carries the weight of her experiences during the Walpurgis Night incident. As the team delves deeper into the investigation, they uncover a cryptic clue: the phrase "Spear of Longinus." This enigmatic lead draws them into the shadowy world of a mysterious cult, which appears to be intricately connected ...