Bible Black New Testament 2

Bible Black New Testament 2
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Several years have passed since the Walpugis Night incident, and a series of bizarre serial murders have shaken the metropolitan area. The victims are couples found dead during sexual intercourse. The women show no external injuries, while the men are completely burned and carbonized—except for one specific part: their genitals. To tackle these mysterious and gruesome crimes, a special detective unit known as "Tokken" is assembled. Among its members is Imari, who had firsthand experience with the events of Walpugis Night. As the team delves deeper into the investigation, they uncover a cryptic clue: the phrase "Spear of Longinus." This leads them to a strange cult group that appears to be connected to the murders. Bible Black Das neue Testament, Bible Black Revival, Bible Black: La Lanza de Longinus, Bible Black: New Testament, Czarna księga: Włócznia Longinusa, Naujoji Juodoji Biblija, sbb, Shin Bible Black, 신 바이블 블랙, 新バイブルブラック, 黑暗圣经新, Biblia Negra La Lanza de Long...